nanoICE 8oz

nanoICE 8oz

Regular price $19.95

Looking for a larger bottle? See our 16oz bottle here.

Forget Waxing. nanoICE is the latest and greatest in car care.

nanoICE takes minutes to apply and lasts months. Spray it on, and wipe it off. You're ready to go. Apply it wet right after washing your vehicle, or dry.

nanoICE creates an ultra glossy, hydrophobic (water repellant) shell of protection around your vehicle that allows it stay clean longer, and makes washing a breeze.

The videos are real, the coating really behaves exactly the way we showcase it. Try the bucket of water test on the hood of your own vehicle, you won't be disappointed!



One 16oz bottle will deliver approximetly 8-10 coatings, which is enough for 6 months of normal usage. 

1. Clean your vehicle.

2. While the vehicle is still wet after washing, spray nanoICE evenly across a body panel.

3. Dry with a clean microfiber cloth.

4. Switch to a new clean cloth, and buff the surface.

5. Repeat for each panel.

6. Stand back and admire how great it looks.